Hey, Mama - I see you.

I know you’re struggling with your confidence, your energy, your overwhelm, your diet, your fitness, all of the above.

And I want to help you.

This CAN be you, too.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re spinning your wheels trying every recommended/fad diet out there and nothing seems to work for you.

  • You’re constantly stopping and starting over on your health & fitness goals.

  • You feel incredibly uncomfortable and unconfident in clothes and pictures.

  • You often lack energy to keep up with your kids, family, friends.

  • You have a poor relationship with food and frequently feel guilt about eating or drinking “bad” foods & beverages.

  • You’re a frequent negative self-talker.

  • You have an all-or-nothing and perfectionist mentality.

  • You struggle with consistent habit building.

  • You often feel overwhelmed and lack time for yourself.

Then it’s time to make a change.

Here’s what my FIT 4 LIFE program can do for you…

  • I will teach you how to fuel yourself PROPERLY so that you can finally ditch the fad/trendy diets, challenges and supplements for once and for all.

  • You’ll have more energy than ever to finally keep up with your kids and make the most quality memories with them and your entire family.

  • You will become your most confident self, inside and out and finally feel comfortable in clothes and pictures.

  • You’ll learn how to habit stack and make small, daily changes to build upon your success and be able to stick to this lifestyle long term so you don’t end up gaining the weight back & having to start over again.

  • You will learn to talk to yourself in a much more positive light and be grateful for all that surrounds you.

  • I will teach you how to drop the all-or-nothing mentality and apply consistency through the 80/20 rule to help you stop starting over and sustain your results long-term.

  • You will learn how to carve out time for yourself and remember how important it is for you to be able to effectively take the best care of your family, too.

  • We will work on setting boundaries and respecting yourself, your time, and your environment.

What’s Included:

FIT 4 LIFE Hybrid

For those with existing CA+F Memberships…

  • 12-week Program

  • 30-60 minute Onboarding/Goal-Setting Call (or in-person meeting)

  • Personal Coaching Portal

  • Unlimited Messaging (within portal - response during business hours)

  • Weekly Check-ins

  • Custom Nutrition & Wellness Protocols (training plan will be your Barn Bootcamp sessions).

  • Resources & Education in Portal On-Demand Center

  • FIT 4 LIFE Community Forum

  • Up to ONE 30-45 minute Group Zoom Educational Call per Month

  • 30-60 Minute Exit Assessment Call (or in-person meeting)

  • Month-to-Month Continuance program available after 12 weeks complete.

FIT 4 LIFE Virtual

For those who need a fully online program…

  • 12-week program

  • 30-60 minute Onboarding/Goal-Setting Call

  • Personal Coaching Portal

  • Unlimited Messaging (within portal - response during business hours)

  • Weekly Check-ins

  • Custom At-Home Training Program Provided (optional) alongside Custom Nutrition & Wellness Protocols

  • Resources & Education in Portal On-Demand Center

  • FIT 4 LIFE Community Forum

  • Up to ONE 30-45 minute Group Zoom Educational Call per Month

  • Up to ONE 15-30 minute 1:1 Zoom Review Call per Month

  • 30-60 Minute Exit Assessment Zoom Call

  • Month-to-Month Continuance program available after 12 weeks complete.

The Investment into Yourself…

FIT 4 LIFE Hybrid

Initial 12-week Program:

$279 Paid-in-Full Upfront

*In addition to your CA+F Monthly Membership

Continuance Program:

$109 / month (billed every 28 days)

*In addition to your CA+F Monthly Membership

FIT 4 LIFE Virtual

Initial 12-week Program:

$679 Paid-in-Full Upfront


$248.97 / month (3 total payments)

Continuance Program:

$259 / month

(billed every 28 days)

What Clients are Saying:

  • “Coach Kenz was just what I was looking for. I have tried other options throughout my wellness journey and they just didn't fit right. Coach Kenz is there for you every step of the way! Having that extra support helps you understand your body, learn new techniques and other ways to fuel your body during those stressful times. We were able to connect with our kids and that helped as she knows exactly how it is to work from home with young children. I would recommend Coach Kenz to anyone that was looking for a more personal experience.”

    Erica M.

  • “Simply put, Kenz is the best at what she does. She's educated and helped me grow not only on the fitness and nutritional end, but what I find even more rewarding, with the mental discipline and fortitude to attack each day the best I can. She's also been a great support system. When I falter and fall off track, she pushes and gives me the tough love I need to set me back on the right path. Kenz is a wealth of knowledge, dedicated and caring coach and I can't wait to see what the years ahead bring as my journey continues.”

    Jaclyn L.

  • “Mackenzie has been so much help to me along my health and fitness journey over the past few years. Not only has she taught me so much as far as workouts and nutrition is concerned, but she’s also become a great friend and someone who I know I can confide in when it comes to not only questions in those areas, but also just for overall support with anything in life. She’s a great resource to have and recommend her to anyone looking to improve their life!”

    Brittany G.

  • “Coach Kenz gives the best feedback. She knows how to tell someone how to do better without making them feel bad about themselves. I’m happy I decided to join and she has already made a difference in my life. Thank you!”

    Jennifer R.

  • “MacKenzie is truly an amazing coach! Not only is she knowledgeable and helpful when it comes to the facts about weight loss, health and your overall well-being, she is also passionate about her work. She takes the time to listen to you as the client and then inspires you to take action. I know that Coach Kenz takes her role of coach very seriously because she shows up for me no matter what week after week! I am thankful to have her in my corner!”

    Mallory M.


  • I get it, it’s scary. This is a big investment, both in time and finances. But truly, the only way you fail is if you a) give up, or even b) never try. As long as you commit to yourself, believe in yourself, and go all-in for yourself to do the work I ask of you, you will very much succeed.

  • Absolutely! That doesn’t mean it will be easy, but yes, you CAN do this too. I work specifically with many busy, working moms out there that have struggled for so long to find time to put their health first. All have done it, and love that they get to then be a role model for their kids with their health as well. You can do hard things, Mama - no matter how busy you are.

  • I will not. First and foremost, while I am a Certified Nutritionist, I am not a Licensed and Registered Dietitian. Which means I cannot write you meal plans. That said, even if I was able to, I wouldn’t. Why? Because it teaches you nothing. I will instead teach you how to fuel yourself properly through your own choices and my suggestions and guidance, so that long-term, you will be able to continue to make those best choices even beyond our time together.

  • Totally fine! We can always dock the custom training plan from your package if need be. I do, however, still hold you accountable to your strength workouts and total daily movement plan.

  • Your contract terms will discuss this in more details once you’ve signed up, but I do not offer refunds for upfront payments, and there is a 50% buyout clause for remaining payment plans for you to cancel your contract with me earlier than your term. Any possible exceptions are discussed in your contract terms.

    That said, remember that life gets busy, life gets hard, life throws curveballs. There will never be a perfect time to start. I pride myself on working with clients through all phases and stressors of life and helping them still navigate their plan and balance their health alongside the chaos. Don’t let busyness or stress stop you from taking care of yourself.

  • Not at all! That is my main clientele base, but I have worked with dozens of men, as well as those who are not parents, too. If you have a health and fitness goal that you’re wanting to reach sustainably, I’m happy to help you.

“I’d die for my family.”

But would you LIVE for them?